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Messages - Sharkkb8

Quote from: eschiss1 on Sunday 28 November 2021, 04:05
If we take it as read and written that many people here are unenthusiastic about new Price releases much time and angst can be saved by all.

Understood, but the Price VC thread below included several observations which were anything but "unenthusiastic", including one member who said "As for the 3rd Symphony...[snip]... I've been looking for a while, and have been unable to find a clean copy for anything less than an arm and two legs.", so that's why I posted this release.,6743.msg71717.html#msg71717
.....and in the "when it rains, it pours" category, another recording of Price's Symphony #3 (along with the 1st) is due out from DGG in mid-January 2022. 

Gramophone: "Nézet-Séguin and his Philadelphia Orchestra are body and soul into the joy and resolve of this music. Price can only have dreamt of performances like these."

Presto shows it here:
Naxos will release a "World Premiere Recording" of Sullivan's one-act ballet "Victoria & Merrie England".  According to the back cover, it was composed in 1897, for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.  RTÉ Sinfonietta, Andrew Penny.   3 Dec at Amazon USA & UK, & Presto.

(actually, just as I write this, I see this is another Naxos re-release of a previous Marco Polo recording, from 1995.  Perhaps takes the "World Premiere Recording" bloom off the rose a little   ::))
...and the excerpts from "Zerline" (Overture, Entr'acte, and Dances etc) are designated "World Premiere Recordings".
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Reinecke Piano Trios etc.
Thursday 25 November 2021, 07:54
Quote from: Alan Howe on Wednesday 24 November 2021, 21:13I'll take any Reinecke that's going. The more the better.

Heartily endorsed.  And if anyone has found a source for this Reinecke cd other than JPC, I for one would be grateful to hear - I've been checking the usual sources: Amazon, Presto, Europadisc, etc., with no success.   

I do not order from JPC any more - members may remember a rant I wrote about JPC's software always reversing the street numbers in my address, making deliveries take months, and sometimes resulting in non-delivery and order cancellation, as was the case the last 2 attempts. I asked to have the email address of Gerhard Georg Ortmann or anyone in a position of authority, to file a complaint, and was only given the company's snail-mail physical street address.  This after quoting their website: "Our experts will gladly answer all of your questions about products and order fulfillment.  We place great value on personal contact with our customers".  I mailed a polite but firm letter detailing my 5-6 specific order-problems, and perhaps to the surprise of no one, never received a response.

Hmmm, now I realize I'm inflicting yet another personal rant....well, apologies, but my original point was, and still is:  if anyone can report a purchase source for this cd other than JPC, I will be humbly appreciative.  CPO's cd's have mostly been more freely available (and sooner) from the above-mentioned sources the last several months, but curiously, not this one.  Thanks all, for patience & listening.
Just ordered - if I'm the first, do I get a prize?!    8)
Solo piano music (incl "World Premiere Recording") of Alfons Szczerbiński, from Grand Piano, entitled "vol. 1" of a "Complete" collection to come, evidently.

A short Youtube promotional video here:

"Polish composer Alfons Szczerbiński was born at a time of upheaval in Europe during the second half of the 19th century. A prominent Polish talent in the Romantic mold, Szczerbiński was profoundly influenced by the harmonic models of Bach, Haydn and Mozart. His surviving music is mostly written for the piano but many of his compositions were either lost during the First World War or destroyed by the composer himself. Heard here in their world première recordings, the Chansons sans paroles are Romantic miniatures that possess rich melodic elegance and marvelous phrasal beauty, sometimes redolent of Mendelssohn, Chopin or Liszt."ński&qid=1633221266&s=music&sr=1-1
(actually, make that three albums of piano music to come, from Toccata)
....and I now see that, at the end of this month, Toccata will be releasing two albums of Farwell's piano music, but the following quote is perhaps not encouraging, re discussion on this forum: 

"The American composer Arthur Farwell (1872–1952) is remembered as the leading member of a group of 'Indianists' who used Native American tribal melodies – but Farwell's stylistic range was much wider than is realised today.

This CD, the first of two to examine his piano music, presents first The Vale of Enitharmon, based on the mythology of William Blake, which mixes Romantism and Impressionism.

Impressions of the Wa-Wan Ceremony of the Omahas represents an American Indian ritual so revered that warring tribes would lay down their arms to let the procession pass.

The experimental Polytonal Studies pit two different keys against each other, exploiting the attraction of opposites to generate unusual harmonies and melodies."
This album may (or may not) be mostly a curiosity - the notes below don't really give a clue about the appropriateness for discussion here; I just notice that for as much (or as little) as it's worth, most of these pieces are dated between 1900 and 1910.  Release 22 Oct.

"Arthur Farwell has been called 'the most neglected composer in [American musical] history.' Hounded by accusations of 'cultural appropriation,' he has posthumously fallen prey to changing notions of cultural authenticity. As the leader of the 'Indianists' movement, Farwell believed it was a democratic obligation of Americans of European descent to try to understand the indigenous Americans they displaced and oppressed. To this end, he merged Indian music and lore with Western concert forms – today, a controversial practice. The performances here recorded originated at a landmark PostClassical Ensemble festival at Washington's National Cathedral."
Piano Classics label will release an album of Dora Pejačević solo piano pieces.  Presto and Amazon UK & USA all show 15 Oct release date.  Pianist is Ekaterina Litvintseva.čević-Piano-Music-Ekaterina-Litvintseva/dp/B09CRSNZGB/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Pejacevic%3A+Piano+Music&qid=1633215254&s=music&sr=1-1

Presto's blurb:  "Born in Budapest in 1885 as Maria Theodora, Dora Pejačević grew up as a member of the Croatian aristocracy, the daughter of a Hungarian-Croatian Count and a Hungarian Baroness. Dora's musical gifts were recognized and encouraged at an early age by her mother, who was herself a trained pianist and singer. When the family moved from the family estate of Našice (now in Croatia) to Zagreb in 1903, she began to study music more seriously, still in a private capacity, with professors at the Croatian Music Institute. By that point she had already composed several works under the influence of Romantic composers such as Mendelssohn, Schumann and Grieg. Later she studied in Dresden and Munich and received lessons in instrumentation, composition (from Percy Sherwood) and violin (from Henri Petri in Munich). She was largely self-taught, however.

Though firmly rooted in the Romantic tradition, with hints from French Impressionism, Pejačević found her own compositional voice, a major figure in Croatian cultural life and a shining beacon for all female musician-composers. She died in Munich in 1923."
The Prospero label will release an album of early Fritz Brun chamber pieces: the E flat String Quartet from 1898 and the 1st Violin Sonata in D minor, from 1906.  Artists: Manuel Quartett, Stefan Meier & Alexander Ruef.

Amazon UK & USA show 5 Nov release, as download only, at least at this point in time.  No listing yet at Presto.   I tried to find a blurb on Prospero's own website, to copy/paste here, but nothing to be found.