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Messages - Jonathan

Composers & Music / Re: 2022 Unsung Concerts
Saturday 02 April 2022, 17:59
I know Alkan is not particularly unsung but the young British pianist Mark Viner is playing his "Le Festin d'Esope" (Op.39 no.12) in a concert as part of the Wensleydale Concert Series on Saturday, 13th August 2022 at 19:30.  Details are available on the Wensleydale Concert Series website.  It's not far from Asygarth Falls for those who know Yorkshire!

As an aside, if you do go, I will see you there  :)
I have a feeling at the back of my mind that he might have taught Thalberg but I've checked and there is no mention of it that I can find.

Sounds like a fascinating release!!
Returning to Liszt briefly, he did arrange part of Duke Ernst's opera "Tony", specifically the Jagdchor und Steyrer (catalogued as S404) and also the rather lovely Die Graberinsel der Fursten zu Gotha. I don't think "Tony" is the same work as under discussion here although sometimes things were published with alternative names.
Interesting, I think I might have to get this especially as I heard part of Roth's most recent recording earlier (Bruckner 7) and his conducting style should work well in Le Chasseur Maudit.
I can't say that I've heard anything by him but Liszt uses a theme of his in the "Élégie sur des motifs du Prince Louis Ferdinand de Prusse" (S168) and it's a lovely work. I shall have to investigate!
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Stojowski Symphony in D minor
Wednesday 23 February 2022, 13:23
A must buy here as well - I find his music fascinating.
I also have a copy of volume 1 - unfortunately, I've not yet had a chance to give it a spin! I note that the ongoing series on Grand Piano has yet to get to most of the material on these discs. When funds allow, I shall buy volume 2.
Composers & Music / Re: Your discovery of 2021
Monday 10 January 2022, 19:25
E.Franck's piano trios are well worth a listen!
Excellent news!
Dratted typos....and I'm currently learning Italian!  :-\
Hi All,
To answer my own question, I hadn't!  I see that a CD of his music has been released on the Tactus label with the title "Opere per pianoforte" and the pianists Massimilliano Genot and Andrea Vigna-Taglianti.  He was court pianist-composer to His Majesty The King of Italy.  Having listened to some parts of it on Spotify, it sounds intriguing!

I still have the Järvi Chandos 5th symphony on my wants list - I really ought to buy it!  I did get his recording of the 2nd a few weeks ago but I've not had time to give it a spin yet.
Good point Alan! :D
I heard the Andante of the 3rd symphony on "Record Review" this morning on BBC Radio 3 and I have to agree - the music struck me as generally pleasant and my next thought (before I looked at the display on the radio) was "this sounds Dvorakian".

I shall give the whole work a listen at some point but I'm not going to rush out and buy the CD.
Composers & Music / Re: Bernhard Stavenhagen 1862-1914
Friday 03 September 2021, 19:09
Not to worry Gareth!