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Messages - britishcomposer

Thank you, Mark, for taking the trouble!
Thank you, Mark!
Strange, I can play the live stream but the on demand stream button doesn't react.
The orchestra on demand blog noticed a broadcast by Hungarian radio Bartok of the following two works:
Koessler: Symphonic Variations 
Dohnányi: Stabat Mater

I followed the links but couldn't get the site play.
Does any of our kind members succeed in playing and recording these rarities?
Thank you for alerting me to this broadcast.
I have uploaded a 256kbit cable recording.
Please inform me if you should notice dropouts or skips. This happens sometimes when I record via cable. Alternatively I could upload a recording of the internet stream.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Rudolf Tobias: Joonas
Thursday 10 October 2019, 22:01
I did record it but will not have time to listen to it in near future. I am concerned about the actual playing time. The two parts separated by an half hour interval play for just 1h 43min. This is about 10min less than the BIS recording. So if this version includes additional material and no cuts Kaljuste must have chosen a very swift tempo. Part 1 - 47min, Part 2 - 56min.
Dear members,

The NDR Radiophilharmonie conducted by Leo McFall has recorded the first two symphonies by Emilie Mayer.
The announcer said that the CD will be released by cpo at the end of the year.
If you do not want to wait, you can access the stream for a couple of weeks here:,sendung927880.html
Composers & Music / Re: Rimsky-Korsakov Operas
Friday 10 May 2019, 19:41
Thank you, Adriano!
I was never in doubt about Golovanov's merits. My concern was about the short playing time but I have now compared the timings of the  tracks in different recordings. It seems that Golovanov was just a little faster each time. Nebolsin has a pretty legendary cast though...
Composers & Music / Re: Rimsky-Korsakov Operas
Friday 10 May 2019, 15:55
A very helpful discussion with lots of recommendations.
My only recording of May Night is the 1946 Golovanov. Do you know if this is a complete recording?
The 2001 rerelease by the Italian Aura label runs at 1h 51min.
Which other recording would you recommend: Nebolsin, Fedoseyev or Lazarev?
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Dohnanyi: Cantus Vitae
Saturday 16 March 2019, 13:15
Mike, I recorded the live broadcast of the Andrée opera from Swedish radio P2. It is still available as listen again service but I can upload it later if you like. You are free to record the Dohnanyi then!
Sorry, the streaming link is for UK residents only. This must have changed recently.
Downloads were UK only from the beginning but streaming of these podcasts was possible once.
I am not sure about legal issues but I would be willing to extract the talk/text portion of the series which I recorded and upload it to mediafire.
The moderators must decide.
I did listen. The interviews were very informative. Fascinating insights into the social and political background. The music was from the cpo discs which are still available or you can stream via spotify.
The BBC provides podcasts for UK residents but you can stream it:
jani, do you know if the booklet text of the Ondine edition is based on the original scores?
I must confess I have problems following the descriptions when listening to these recordings.
They seem to describe things which weren't played.
I am sorry, but I couldn't get warm with it. His orchestration is brilliant as ever but the material is not strong enough to keep interest. The most extraordinary thing about No. 5 is its brevity. At about 22 minutes you cannot blame it for outstaying its welcome.

I wonder how I would describe its provenance. Liszt was perhaps the greatest influence but a strong classicistic element esp. in the first movement shows that he was trying to come to terms with a new aesthetic climate.

Well, this is all pure speculation on my part. A MIDI rendition is available:
NDR Kultur will be broadcasting Symphony No. 5 this afternoon:

See: 18:30 Uhr - Musica
Composers & Music / Re: Ernst Mielck 1877-1899
Sunday 09 September 2018, 00:20
Finnish Radio Yle Klassinen does broadcast the Concertstück for piano and orchestra regularly, sometimes under that title, sometimes titled Pianokonsertto, Finnish for piano concerto. Strange indeed...