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Messages - theqbar

#1 - here's a link to hear and download the Sinaisky (among others) version.
The Falletta recording of Gliere appears in youtube, i heard it, but i don't think, as other members already mentioned, that it can be a real alternative for Farberman (or Rakhlin, for me). That said, though, i 'm really glad she performed the symphony in a big city like NY. And, trying not to be off-topic, but has anybody had the chance to hear Ilya Muromets live?
<<I have a transfer of this one but it is a bit scratchy. The sound is a bit on the shrilly side also but the performance is quite good.Tom>>

I don't have it on cd, so i don't know about the sound, but the performance is my favourite, especially the scherzo is magic. I also have an old DG lp with Ferenc Fricsay conducting the RIAS Berlin orchestra, but with cuts, it lasts almost an hour.
try Rakhlin and the USSR Tv-Radio Symphony Orchestra. (Old lp, Melodiya-CBS i think)
Though somebody already mentioned Franz Schmidt, i think that the marvellous 2nd movement of his 2nd symphony has not been mentioned. Also, let's not forget the 3rd movement of Gliere's 2nd symphony.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Rott Symphony/Acousence
Wednesday 30 October 2013, 15:43
I have 6 versions of the Rott symphony (Segerstam, Weigle, Russell- Davies, Layer, Meister and Jarvi). I happened occasionally, in a 2nd hand store, on the Montpellier orchestra- Friedemann Layer version, and though it's hard to find, i think it's the best. Especially the last movement and the fugue in the middle of the movement is breathtaking, slow and grandiose. If you can find this recording, don't hesitate.
Composers & Music / Re: Croatian Composers
Wednesday 18 July 2012, 13:56
you 're right, i didn't notice that the initial post was about late 19th/early 20th century. Anyway, Sulek is a fantastic composer, i really love his late symphonies, it was a great pleasure discovering them, through this site.
Composers & Music / Re: Croatian Composers
Tuesday 17 July 2012, 14:17
Stjepan Sulek wasn't Croatian?
All three symphonies exist on Arte Nova cds, Staatskapelle Weimar/George Alexander Albrecht
Downloads Discussion Archive / Re: Austrian Composers
Saturday 09 June 2012, 14:07
Re: Homerische Symphonie by Theodor Berger, does anybody know the titles of the 3 movements?
Composers & Music / Re: Unsung concerts
Thursday 15 March 2012, 10:08
As i had mentioned on my previous post, last Sunday i attended a concert given by "Martha Argerich and friends". Apart from famous piano pieces for 1 or 2 pianos  (Ravel's "Ma mere l' oye", Mozart's Andante with variations KV501, Schumann Fantasy Pieces for piano and cello etc) they played Shostakovich's concertino for 2 pianos (hadn't heard it before) and Kabalevsky's piano concerto n.4 "Prague" (named after Prague because it is based on Czech folk themes). Both works were really interesting and worth hearing, though very short (10'-15' each).
Downloads Discussion Archive / Re: Buettner 1st
Thursday 01 March 2012, 18:22
I'm afraid i have the same problem, i've downloaded Buettner's first symphony, and the timings of the movements are :47', 28' and 11'. Something's going wrong.
Composers & Music / Unsung concerts
Wednesday 15 February 2012, 10:52
Having attended a very interesting concert of relatively unsung music, i take the opportunity to start this topic. Last Friday i went to a concert of the Athens State Orchestra (in Athens, of course). The program was the following:  Mikis Theodorakis: Adagio for clarinet, flute, trumpet and strings.  Mikis Theodorakis: Piano concerto     Dmitry Shostakovich :Symphony n.6

Piano: Cyprien Katsaris and direction :Loukas Carytinos   

It was the first time i heard these works of Theodorakis and i can say that the concerto was splendid, i recommend it (i bought a copy of the cd, it was sold outside the concert, it's Cyprien Katsaris' own label, "Piano21"

Though the name of Theodorakis is widely known, due to his film music or his political views, his symphonic output is unknown, even in his native country...  I was really glad to see him in this concert, it was really emotional that he could attend it, he's 87 years old now, and he's having difficulties in walking.

  Anyway, i would love to hear the other members' experiences of unsung music in the music halls.  (On March 11 i think, Martha Argerich will be playing, among others, the Kabalevsky piano concerto n.4 in Athens, i think it will be interesting).
Composers & Music / Re: Musical storms
Monday 16 January 2012, 22:56
I think nobody has mentioned so far the tempest in the opening scene of Gluck's Iphigenie en Tauride. Amazing piece, considering that it was composed in 1778-9.