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Eduard Schütt (1856-1933)

Started by jerfilm, Monday 25 February 2013, 17:32

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I ran across this YouTube performance of Schütt's Piano Quartet in F, opus 12 and thought it might be of interest.  Apparently he was a prolific Russian/german/austrian composer.

Would be interested in your thoughts about Schütt??


Alan Howe


There's discussion elsewhere on this forum (here:,1095.msg40975.html#msg40975) regarding the possibility that Schutt's piano concertos may one day be recorded.....

If anyone knows any more about this I do hope they might share.


Apparently Dr. David Wright played the Piano Concerto #2 in f back in 1997.  See but he does not say with what orchestra.  Other interesting info about Schutt in that article as well.



Is there any more news on the possible recording of the Schutt piano concertos?

Gareth Vaughan

Only that they are on Mike Spring's list for the RPC series by Hyperion. Neither of them is very long and Mike was hoping to track down the piece for piano (LH) & orchestra that Schutt wrote for Paul Wittgenstein in order to complete the disk. The MS came up at auction some years again, but Mike missed it. There was a rumour that Klaus Heymann had bought it for release by Naxos, but I haven't got to the bottom of that, and there is certainly no sign of Naxos producing a Schutt disk yet.
You may care to write to Mike at Hyperion and enquire.