Max von Schillings: Piano Concerto "Ein Totentanz"

Started by LateRomantic75, Tuesday 24 December 2013, 18:29

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Max von Schillings was not a very prolific composer, and most of his lushly decadent orchestral works (of which the Glockenlieder is a masterpiece) have been recorded by CPO and Marco Polo. However, there remains to be recorded what appears to be his final work, his Piano Concerto Ein Totentanz, op. 37, composed in 1917 and revised in 1933. (Wikipedia lists a second violin concerto in G minor, op. 38, but its existence is seriously doubtful.) Does anyone know more about this intriguing work?

Alan Howe


Well, perhaps I use the word "masterpiece" too liberally, but I believe Glockenlieder is a marvelous work, full of shimmering orchestral textures and compelling drama. Your mileage may vary, though!