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Josef Labor

Started by jimmattt, Saturday 08 January 2011, 21:13

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Does this mean that both Konzertstück I and II are for one hand?

The Wienbibliothek ( has this entry for n. II:

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1.Person    LinkLabor, Josef, 1842-1924
2.Person    LinkMenzel, Rosine [SchreiberIn]
Titel    LinkPartitur des II. Klavierkonzertes
Materialbenennung    Musikhandschrift
Zusatz zum Titel    [in F für Klavier einhändig und Orchester]
Verfasserangabe    von Josef Labor. Hs. Rosine Menzel
Ausgabe    Partitur
Jahr   1917
Datumsangabe(Vorl.)    3. Jänner bis 16. Mai 1917
Umfangsangabe    49 Bl. (95 S.)
Formatangabe    4°
1.Serientitel    LinkMusikalischer Teilnachlass Josef Labor
Übergeordn. Serie    Labor, Josef: Musikalischer Teilnachlass Josef Labor. Musiknachlass.
Interne ID-Nr.    LQH0261130

Alan Howe

Thanks, Wheesht, for the valuable information about the whereabouts of the VC full score. I have emailed the library to find out more.

Gareth Vaughan

Theodore Edel in his disappointingly slight book "Piano Music for One Hand" (Indiana University Press, 1994) gives 3 Concert Pieces by Labor, all for the Left Hand: No. 1, Concert Piece in the Form of Variations (1916) [Wittgenstein made his return to the concert platform with this work.]; No. 2, Concert Piece in F minor (1936) and No. 3, Concert Piece in B minor (1936). The Concert Piece described as "No. 2" at ONB is clearly in F minor. However, the date given on the record is 1917 and, since Labor died in 1924, one concludes that the date of 1936 which Edel gives for the 2nd and 3rd Concert Pieces is either a publication date or a mistake. But I do not think they were published. The date given for the first Concert Piece at ONB, by the way, is 1915. ONB do list a 3rd (unnumbered on title page) Concert Piece, but this appears to be in E flat and has a date of 1923. It also appears to be for Left Hand.


Yes- they have much music archived (and even already digitized) by him (I would say something about how that must have been a Labor of love but as a pun that's a horrible stretch- sorry.)

Alan Howe

Apparently the ÖNB can photocopy the VC full score for €43.50 (87 copies @ €0,50 each) + postage. Sadly they don't know where the parts are, though.

Any takers?

Alan Howe