Largest audience ever for a Charles H. H. Parry concert

Started by edurban, Saturday 30 April 2011, 06:07

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Gareth Vaughan

Quoteafter all, the answer to the first line is: "No!" If it wasn't for the utterly glorious music...
The answer to all the questins in the first verse is "No." But it is a wonderful tune.

I agree with Thalberg's comments absolutely.

Mark Thomas

My wife and I watched the whole thing live on a big screen set up in the theatre of an American cruise ship leaving Mumbia en route for Dubai. Most of the passengers are American but the theatre was packed, it was bedecked with red white and blue balloons, many of the ladies wore hats, we stood and sang the National Anthem, we sang Jerusalem, there was a cheer when they were pronounced man and wife, after which we were plied with champagne and canapes. Oddly, given the setting, it was probably the most sincerely uplifting and happy occassion I have spent in the company of hundreds of other people and the combination of homesickness and pride in country which it provoked was pretty powerful at times. FWIW, I thought the music (even including, just about, the Rutter, I'm afraid) was entirely appropraite for a personal as well as a national celebration.

I shall now return to my usual sour, curmudgeonly persona...


I also agree with Thalberg!  I drove through some small villages on the way to see friends yesterday (as the M11 was closed I had to take a detour) and many houses (and especially pubs) were bedecked with red, white and blue bunting and it all looked very English. 
It's nice to know people still do this sort of thing.
And Good luck to the happy couple!


And whilst you're spinning the disc, relive the happy day with a curly ham sandwich and some lukewarm fizz supped from ...

Oops - surely some mistake!   ;D


Quote from: Albion on Sunday 01 May 2011, 16:23
And whilst you're spinning the disc, relive the happy day with a curly ham sandwich and some lukewarm fizz supped from ...

Oops - surely some mistake!   ;D
Not if the disc contains a rendition (extraordinary or otherwise) of I'm so wild about Harry, presumably...

That said, if "a curly ham sandwich and some lukewarm fizz" of any kind is supposed somehow to be "British", it's no wonder that (a) I'm Scottish and (b) I plan to emigrate from Britain...

And (mindful of the thread topic and the need not to depart too far therefrom) I'm not so wild about Parry, either (as I assume some of you will already have noticed)...
