Dutch Music

Started by jerfilm, Tuesday 23 August 2011, 20:42

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Quote from: shamokin88 on Monday 21 November 2011, 02:06
The Van Gilse Lebensmeße. A performance was broadcast in Philadelphia, perhaps in 1982 or '83.That featured the Hague Philharmonic O/Hoofstad Choir of Amsterdam/combined Amsterdam University Chorus/Marianna Blok [sop]/Lucia Meeuwsen [cont]/Jan Blinkhof [ten]/Charles Van Tassel [bs]/Huub Kersters [17 June 1981]. I cannot say that this is the one posted but perhaps this is not given that often.

That sounds about right, time-wise. I'm not sure that this is the same recording (I got it from an archive that only stores recordings made in The Netherlands), but it is very likely the same ensemble. As far as I'm aware, the Lebensmesse is rarely performed.

The Third Symphony was recorded the year before last, and should be available (with David Porcelijn conducting) on cpo soon. But then, they do take their time to get recordings out.


Absolutely ecstatic about shamokin's uploads of Henk Badings' Fourth, Eighth, Eleventh and Thirteenth Symphonies :) :)

A thousand thanks for these ;D

Did you say that you had Nos. 1, 6 and 9 as well? ;D

This site really does encourage one to wallow in the deadly sin of covetousness ;D ;D


Ah...there is a Symphony No.15 "Conflict and Confluences" for wind band as well.

But..at least Nos. 9 and 15 are available on (somewhat rare) cds ;D ;D

Although not so rare that I have just ordered both ;D ;D ;D


According to the scores, Badings sym.8 (1. Lento 2. Commoto 3. Adagietto 4. Vivace according to the University of Utrecht library catalog) is from 1956, sym. 10 from 1961. Also, these works are quite brief - 7-12 minutes each - either my iTunes is causing skip-errors or, well, they're quite brief (not a problem in itself) :) (though symphony no.8 is expected to last 17 minutes, not 7 - so maybe my iTunes is the problem here.
Hrm. Though when that's the case, opening it in QuickTime usually produces a file of the correct duration, since it's iTunes that's estimating where the break should be- and that is not happening here. Still 7'52". Odd.)

Track names for symphony 4:  1. Lento-Allegro 2. Scherzo (presto) 3. Largo e mesto 4. Allegro

And my download of symphony 4 lasts only 12 minutes, not the 32 that a card catalog suggests - I'm guessing that's a problem on my end, again. (Not being sarcastic - a software issue, I think. But I have no clue how to solve it.) :( The other two - maybe because they're one-movement works? - seem to be fine. At least, no.11 is, and I think no.13 is.


No, Eric, there is quite definitely something very wrong with these uploads :(

The Symphony No.4 file lasts for 12 minutes whereas the Symphony is timed at 32 minutes.
The Symphony No.8 file lasts for 7 minutes whereas the Symphony is actually 17 minutes long.


This website gives the timings of almost all the Badings symphonies.

I shall send shamokin an urgent message because I know that he intends to upload four more Badings symphonies later tonight :-[


Knowing it's not just my system, to be selfish, is a relief especially after some business earlier with the Kalliwoda symphonies (and some other troubles I've had with iTunes.
Looking forward to downloading them again; the symphonies and other works by Badings I've heard - from CD and LP - archived at Concertzender and at the library (e.g. a quartet for instruments ad libitum coupled with a string quartet of Legley on a record at the local university library... ) have gotten me interested in his muse...

Looking at the listing for the score of symphony 8 at kb.nl by the way clarifies that it's probably in 3 movements with the first
I. Lento - Commoto (Con moto?)

Unfortunately, no.13 "Symphony : for wind instruments : (1966) " doesn't have a duration there (or elsewhere??) - don't know yet how much of it one has - no.11 at least is indeed a 8 minute work, but indeed the other two - I'm guessing maybe those are just outer (first or last?) movements?... hrm. ...


shamokin has very quickly rectified the Symphony No.8 which is now uploaded in its entirety. He will be looking to see if he can rectify Symphony No.4 of which, so far, only the first movement has been uploaded.

I think that Nos. 11 and 13 are ok :)

I have gone through the Dutch website linked in my previous post and produced a "complete" listing of the symphonies and concertos written by Badings which you will find at http://www.unsungcomposers.com/forum/index.php/topic,2055.0.html  It took quite an amount of effort ;D ;D

I think that we should, however, record once again our immense gratitude to shamokin who-with some very important other commitments on his time-has so graciously continued to upload works which I very much doubt anyone else around is likely to posssess :)


Quote from: Dundonnell on Saturday 03 December 2011, 01:35
I think that we should, however, record once again our immense gratitude to shamokin who-with some very important other commitments on his time-has so graciously continued to upload works which I very much doubt anyone else around is likely to posssess :)

Couldn't agree more, Colin. Many of the works uploaded could never be found anywhere else, and many are a great pleasure, so my sincere thanks, shamokin.  :)


Re the Badings symphonies - There is also a recording of symphony 3 conducted by Willem v. Otterloo, by the way (one can listen to it http://www.concertzender.nl/programmagids.php?date=2011-04-10&detail=48968 - there, if I may, along with the cpo recording of symphony 2, two songs, and a work by Johan Wagenaar.  Also, those wanting to hear the (probably low-distribution) CD of symphony no.9 can hear  (but not download, at least not without rather some work!) parts of it at this link - http://www.concertzender.nl/programmagids.php?date=2008-07-12&detail=30603.



Quote from: Dundonnell on Saturday 03 December 2011, 01:35
shamokin has very quickly rectified the Symphony No.8 which is now uploaded in its entirety.

The first uploaded version was actually a passage from the Adagio of Bruckner's fifth if I remember correctly, a symphony I haven't played for a long time !


by the way, according to Nl-Wikipedia, Badings symphony 13 has 4 movements,

#1. Lento
#2. Allegro moderato
#3. Lento
#4. Allegro.

I don't quite understand the article as translated (I don't understand Dutch yet) but I think it says that because of aleatoric components in the score it can last from 12 to 15 minutes (not counting differences from different tempos chosen, I suppose? ... anyhow, 10 minutes seems almost within range but a bit fast.) They have 17 articles on his compositions on the site including ones on symphonies 12 and 15 also, btw.


I uploaded Badings 1, 6 and 15 this morning. I'm not sure if 15 will pass muster - if it comes from the broadcast of a CD rather than a mere broadcast then I will will take it down - I simply do not know. I can offer the Louisville LP of 7 and a Hague PO/Van Otterloo 2 as well as about 45 seconds [!] of Van Beinum in 2. The LP of Van Otterloo 3, nicely cleaned up, can be had from Pristine Audio, either as a download or a custom CD, which is why I did not include it. I should know about 4 tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience. The encampment around Philadelphia's City Hall has dispersed to different places around the city and those of us who minded the Quaker tent are waiting to see what happens next.

Best from Shamokin88.


Since Symphony No.9 for string orchestra is on a cd in a performance by the Orchestre d'Auvergne, if we can get No.4 sorted out somehow then we shall have the complete set of the Badings symphonies which would just be sensational :) :)


Re symphony 8, I seem to have been lazy- my university library actually has the 1963-released Hupperts recording, I find. (I can't borrow it, but I could have gone there- which I haven't done in too long- and checked and compared myself. No longer affiliated but as a (now) resident I can listen onsite, or could, last I knew.) Agreed re symphony 4 but even just having one movement would be great- and thanks!
And since symphony 9 can be heard at that Concertzender link (and symphony 15 at another) still I think and then purchased too later on elsewhere, and better yet since cpo does seem to have a good track record on finishing projects they embark upon, the symphonies will all be generally available eventually it seems rather likely. Good news I think (I will probably agree re the sensational after a very very little more listening, but I hedge a little little bit for the moment just by nature :D ).