Moszkowski Piano Concerto Op.3

Started by edurban, Saturday 12 November 2011, 02:55

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Gareth Vaughan

That's right, Steve. Boabdil is his opera.

Gerhard Griesel

From my side, a hearty thank you to Ludmil and all others who were involved in resurrecting this work. To perform any good piano concerto is a service to an audience; but to revive a lost concerto and perform it is a service to mankind. All credit to them. Well done!

chill319's not at all unusual for works to be performed from copyist's manuscripts...
Indeed, I once participated in a performance of Hindemith's Metamorphoses where the conductor's score was a copyist's manuscript previously marked up by Toscanini.


A little late but I too would like to thank Ludmil for this absolutely wonderful PC. It truly is a romantic gem and I fully concur with all the other comments made by members of this forum. In the last two weeks, I have listened several times to the PC and get more out of the music each time I listen to it. What I find remarkable is the writing of this piece, with both the piano soloist and also the orchestra getting many moments to really shine, both individually and together: marvellous, indeed heavenly music - and the 50+ minutes simply fly by with no longueurs whatsoever! Many thanks again.


I so agree Dennis; the slow movement is growing on me;no-one can ever mistake Moszkowski for anyone else, even at this tender age!I see a lineage from his solo piano writing to Sgambati(Spada playing)and Godard to, significantly,Faure; a sort of intensified, limpid salon music; the similarities with some of Godard's piano music(Philip Martin on Marco Polo) and Sgambati's are striking. That process started with Moszkowski's effortless but not weightless flow of, again, limpid inspiration.And what a good orchestrator as u say! Steve


Has anyone talked to Mike Spring about this concerto recently? 

Alan Howe

That's great, Ludmil. I'm sure a CD release would be a big-seller...


I just happen to be listening to this again right now. Would love to buy it officially.


What happened to the download of this(:?

Gareth Vaughan

I seem to have lost my download of this PC. Can anyone let me have a copy, please?

Mark Thomas

Gareth Vaughan

Thanks, Mark. Incidentally, do we have any more news about a CD release of this fine work?


I believe it will appear on Hyperion's Romantic Piano Concerto series, but not sure what volume number or proposed date of release [it has been recorded to my knowledge].



Does anyone know what's become of this recording? I've listened to it a lot, really good piece and wonderfully played by Ludmil Angelov. In my opinion Mr. Angelov should record it in a studio with a better orchestra. Probably won't happen though. Shame because it is worthy of it.


Just checking if there are any updates on the recording of this amazing work...!