Jadassohn from Toccata Classics

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 02 March 2010, 22:52

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Alan Howe

Martin Anderson's questing label, Toccata Classics, will be bringing out a CD containing Piano Trios Nos. 1-3 by Jadassohn.


Wow! This forum never ceases to amaze me. The Wikipedia entry is quite substantial and complete with some very nice photos of the composer. Over 140 works in virtually every genre. I must look into this.


I remember making a MIDI file of the first movement of the first trio, while having the score on loan (this was before IMSLP and having the works easily downloadable to one's desktop!) and being delighted by its melodies and workmanship.  I expect much of this release...

Mark Thomas

This CD is surely a must buy. Anybody who has heard the old Real Sound CD of Jadassohn's Piano Quintet No.3 , Piano Quartet and Piano Trio No.4 will know that he's was a dab hand at attractive chamber music. Martin really is pulling out the stops: first Gernsheim's Piano Quintets and the Thieriot chamber music, now this. Tremendous...

Gareth Vaughan

Yes, this will be a real treat. Incidentally, am I alone in thinking the sound of the piano on the Thieriot disk somewhat recessed? I'm not complaining, merely observing. It is great to have these lovely pieces available to us in committed performances.


A very late response. Today I received my recently ordered CD and I can very warmly recommend every member who loves romantic chamber music to buy this disc! Elegant, delightful and captivating music which you will like from the first note till the 62th minute.


I'd agree with that assessment Peter, it is a lovely disc.

I'm also looking forward to the Alkan and Alnaes discs which both should be out soon (if they aren't already)!


Finally I have acquired the CD with chamber music (opp.77, 85 and 126, see Mark's post) on the Italian Real Sound label at a reasonable price (Amazon.de). What a most charming, uncomplicated  music, presenting the listener a constant flow of memorable tunes. I think his Piano Quintet in G minor, op. 126, is a real gem.
After listening a few times to this delightful disc I can hardly wait for the release of Jadassohn's four symphonies (BTW, any news?).
What a fine composer Jadassohn is!


Agreed! Jadassohn was yet another of those wonderful 19th century German composers whose numbers are so many that the merits of individual composers can be covered up. I found that Real Sounds CD a stunner in comparision to the Tocatta which is a real stunner plus.

But I must have missed something - the rumour of a possible recording of the symphonies. I hope Peter's enquiry receives a very positive response, for I would dearly love to hear those symphonies.


Alan Howe

cpo have confirmed that they are to release all four Jadassohn symphonies with the Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie under Israel Yinon. No news of availability yet, though.


Great news! Whacko! I think I'm also going to enrol as a mature student on a B.Sc. (Hons) Burglary at one of the new universities that offer degree courses of supposed vocational relevance. Why? Well, there must be very rich pickings indeed within the CPO offices. All those wonderful things stacking up awaiting a release! And many thanks, Alan, for sharing the information.



One jemmy,a balaclava & a prison sentence later, I might even have got to hear that unreleased Dopper symphony!


Quote from: Pengelli on Wednesday 23 February 2011, 19:33
One jemmy,a balaclava & a prison sentence later, I might even have got to hear that unreleased Dopper symphony!
Hrm- no.1 "Diana" (1896?) can be heard online (I don't know if it's ever been released, but it has been broadcast, and I think Concertzender has it archived - actually, I'm not sure. It was only premiered in 2005, apparently), and nos. 2, 3 6 and 7 are recorded (by someone) and have been released (by someone) - that leaves 4 and 5 - of which do you speak?