Unsung Unknowns - Justin Heinrich Knecht - François-André Danican Philidor

Started by jasthill, Thursday 23 January 2014, 13:55

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As my grandfather used to say in a moment of puzzlement ; "Was ist dieser?"

Knecht : Le Portrait musical de la Nature - Philidor : Ouvertures Le Jardinier et Son Seigneur, Le Sorcier, Tom Jones & Le Maréchal-Ferrant / Orchestra Filarmonica di Torino - Prague Sinfonia Orchestra - Christian Benda, direction


Alan Howe

Answer: the Knecht work is a late-classical programme symphony (dating from 1784-5) which may or may not have influenced Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony. The overtures fall outside the remit of this website, being by François-André Danican Philidor (1726-1795) from the mid 18th century. 

Not exactly unknown unknowns. More unfamiliar unsungs...