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Garofalo VC

Started by lasm2000, Monday 02 November 2015, 21:45

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I have recently listened to Naxos' re-release of Carlo Giorgio Garofalo's Violin Concerto and I can't avoid concluding it is definitely a fine piece. Not a masterpiece of the concertante literature, of course, but it is very tuneful and has plenty of oportunity for ambitious violinists to show their skills. Besides, it has it's very own style, one wouldn't confuse it with a work by, say, Brahms or Reinecke.

Anyways, the reason for this post is to ask if anyone knows of a different recording from the one by Naxos. Sergei Stadler is actually a quite good violinist (he even won the Tchaikovsky competition in the 80's) but the orchestra sounds very perfunctory. It is actually one of the best orchestras in the good olde Marco Polo label, and one can't find any harsh section but it sounds so perfunctory, no real excitement or emotion, almost like if they were recording for a badly paid tv add. The exception are the oboe and horn players who actually deliver some beautiful passages, the rest sounds like a professional orchestra of undisputable quality but without much (or any) involvment with the pieces in this recording.

Delicious Manager

I know the recording of which you speak. Unlike you, I find Garafalo's music meandering, uninteresting and devoid of anything that can hold my attention. I've tried more than once, but I had to admit defeat and consign Garafalo to the 'not to be listened to again' list.

Alan Howe

I agree - although the VC is better than a certain other piece I could mention...

Delicious Manager

QuoteI agree - although the VC is better than a certain other piece I could mention...

Yes, let's not mention THAT!


Haha, I more or less agree with you all. The other piece in that cd isn't good even as a sleep pill substitute, yet, I somehow believe that the VC, if played by an orchestra that at least pretends to care, can be a decent piece. Since I haven't heard a performance with a half awake orchestra, well, I remain in doubt of its merits  ;D


"Let's not mention THAT!"

... out of context, that could be referring to about... 95%+ of all music out there...

Delicious Manager

Quote"Let's not mention THAT!"

... out of context, that could be referring to about... 95%+ of all music out there...

95%? That's a little harsh...


I was misquoting Sturgeon's law, which has only 90%, you're quite right.