How was the COTW programme on Dora Pejačević?

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 27 November 2018, 23:14

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I missed it (combination of foolishness (mine, I mean!) and busy), but hopefully it will be repeated eventually as such programs are..


Er, was everyone here too busy? A bit like the British Museum, while recognising its quality we locals tend to take COTW too much for granted.


I did listen. The interviews were very informative. Fascinating insights into the social and political background. The music was from the cpo discs which are still available or you can stream via spotify.
The BBC provides podcasts for UK residents but you can stream it:


Sorry, the streaming link is for UK residents only. This must have changed recently.
Downloads were UK only from the beginning but streaming of these podcasts was possible once.
I am not sure about legal issues but I would be willing to extract the talk/text portion of the series which I recorded and upload it to mediafire.
The moderators must decide.


the podcasts have never been available in the US, unlike the program itself.


Interesting - Dora Pejačević was also recently COTW here on Australian Classic FM - or rather a disc of her music was DOTW!  :)