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Dutton Epoch recordings

Started by dmitterd, Friday 17 September 2021, 10:49

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Hi All,
Does anyone have any information on Dutton Epoch, one of my favourite labels for neglected repertoire, and what's happened to their release schedule? Obviously with the pandemic, recording of symphonic repertoire was nigh impossible, but I would have thought they had a few recordings in the can that hadn't yet been released to an eager public.

Kind regards,

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

'Dutton' as opposed to 'Dutton Epoch' - I see. Can't see anything very recent, though. Is there nothing 'in the pipeline'?


I'm told Mike Dutton has lost interest in British music.

Gareth Vaughan


As Dutton has, iirc, several very substantial works by (more recent) British composers in the pipeline (eg Havergal Brian operas*?) I tend to doubt this rumor. Music is not the same as music covered by this forum...

*Might be mistaken. Could be Toccata is releasing Faust.. need to check...

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

Dutton have taken to re-releasing older recordings in enhanced sound quality. Useful, but not really for us here - except for E. Power Biggs (great name!) in Rheinberger:

Gareth Vaughan

That's a legendary recording. The E. Power Biggs one, I mean.

Gareth Vaughan

Dutton had plans to record Sullivan's The Martyr of Antioch before the pandemic made recording large scale choral/orchestral works impossible.  Let us hope they get round to it eventually.


Sorry, I was told in confidence. I don't know why but I gave my word. The total lack of releases  of British music
speaks for itself.  The "in the can" items are Toccata.
Gareth, I could PM you I guess.

Alan Howe

Perhaps there's no money in British music. The series of re-issues in enhanced sound certainly points in a more mainstream direction (hoping to generate more cash?)

There's also EM Records - have they cornered the market?


Well, I shall eat my words! A slew of new Dutton Epoch recordings have been added to their website today, nearly all of them in the remit of this board. Click away...

best wishes,


Nice! (and I see the opera recording I was talking about, too.)