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Started by Amphissa, Monday 05 September 2011, 22:49

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I also have an LP with the Yardumian Passacaglia, Recitative and Fugue for piano and orchestra with John Ogden and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Igor Buketoff coupled with Peter Mennin's Piano Concerto.

Does anyone know if the Yardumian was ever transferred to cd?

I think the Mennin was to a CRI American Masters cd....but NOT the Yardumian ???


Quote from: Dundonnell on Friday 17 February 2012, 20:39
I also have an LP with the Yardumian Passacaglia, Recitative and Fugue for piano and orchestra with John Ogden and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Igor Buketoff coupled with Peter Mennin's Piano Concerto.

You may be interested to know that his LP is currently on sale at 35 Pounds!


Quote from: Dundonnell on Friday 17 February 2012, 20:39
I also have an LP with the Yardumian Passacaglia, Recitative and Fugue for piano and orchestra with John Ogden and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra/Igor Buketoff coupled with Peter Mennin's Piano Concerto.

Does anyone know if the Yardumian was ever transferred to cd?

I think the Mennin was to a CRI American Masters cd....but NOT the Yardumian ???

The John Ogdon Foundation's complete discography at lists the Yardumian as LP only, Colin, and I have searched high and low for a CD version without success - Archiv, Amazon, Discogs, Classicalnet, Allmusic, etc etc.  It looks like you are pretty safe if you are thinking of uploading it!  ;D ;D


Oh I shall certainly upload it ;D

£35 eh....... :)  Tempting ;D


As recompense and an apology for having to temporarily withdraw the Adrian Cruft Divertimento from the British Music section I have stayed up even later at night to bring forward the upload of Richard Yardumian's Passacaglia, Recitatives and Fugue(a concerto for piano and orchestra) of 1957   :)

This is the recording made by John Ogden and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra under Igor Buketoff made for RCA Victor in 1972 but never reissued on cd.

The work was given its first performance on January 3rd 1958 in Philadelphia with Rudolf Firkusny, for whom it was written, as soloist and Eugene Ormandy conducting the Philadelphia Orchestra.

X. Trapnel

Many thanks, Shamokin, for the Loeffler downloads; I thought I would never hear Evocations and it did not disappoint. The virtual boycott of this composer by record companies remains a mystery.


Happy to see more Yardumian uploads, courtesy of shamokin.

However the uploaded files for Psalm 130 and 'Desolate City' are identical, ie different links but to the same file.


Yardumian Desolate City.

Sorry. I think it is fixed now.

All afternoon MediaFire was telling me "failure" when uploads were about 95% complete and I must have lost track.


Quote from: shamokin88 on Saturday 18 February 2012, 22:34
Yardumian Desolate City.

Sorry. I think it is fixed now.

All afternoon MediaFire was telling me "failure" when uploads were about 95% complete and I must have lost track.

I am sorry to report back that the problem is not yet solved :( I have downloaded both links and the music in each is the same.

(I know how frustrating it is to get to 95% of an upload when it fails. This happens to me too....a lot ::))


Sorry you are having upload problems, shamokin.

Can you just confirm which piece of Yardumian is 5m 47s in length.... I must say that it sounds like a Desolate City, but from what you've said it might be the Psalm 130. It's a fine piece, either way!  ;D

Psalm 130

English Standard Version (ESV)

My Soul Waits for the Lord

A Song of Ascents.

1Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord!
2     O Lord, hear my voice!
Let your ears be attentive
    to the voice of my pleas for mercy!
3 If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities,
    O Lord, who could stand?
4 But with you there is forgiveness,
     that you may be feared.
5 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
    and in his word I hope;
6 my soul waits for the Lord
    more than watchmen for the morning,
    more than watchmen for the morning.
7 O Israel, hope in the Lord!
    For with the Lord there is steadfast love,
    and with him is plentiful redemption.
8 And he will redeem Israel
    from all his iniquities.


I am assuming that both links take one to 'Desolate City' on the grounds that Psalm 130 has a tenor soloist and I hear no tenor in the music I have downloaded.


Well, I will deal with this on Monday. Desolate City has no vocal part. My daughter and grandson here for a week's visit.


Deepest thanks to Dundonnell and shamokin88 for the Yardumian posts.  I had some of them, but am delighted to get more.  And am also glad that he is well represented at UC.


I've posted the Violin Concerto 1 by Jack Waldenmaier the the American Music Downloads folder.

For those of you who are curious, Jack Waldenmaier has both a  commercial business selling royalty-free mp3s (and a twitter account) at

And a site dedicated to his classical work here:

This is how he describes himself:

Jack Waldenmaier, D.M.A.
• President and Executive Producer of The Music Bakery
• President of Dallas' Modern Music Ensemble, Voices of Change
• Formerly a Professor of Music Composition and Theory at SMU
• Husband, Father of three, Admirer of Berio, Starbucks addict

Jack Waldenmaier's commercial music is heard on broadcasts throughout the world and is presented and marketed through this website.

Composer of more than 800 commercial music compositions: Listed at BMI

His serious concert music can be accessed at
Dissertation: University of Cincinnati 1981