please close my profile and membership

Started by Steve B, Wednesday 08 August 2012, 00:46

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Steve B

Hi Alan and Mark, I am leaving this forum after 8 years because I feel it has recently become overmoderated by one of the moderators.It has been a pleasure to be a member and I have learnt a lot, not so much factually(though that is all there!)but from other people's enthusiasms. I understand from your earlier announcements that you both want to discontinue in the moderation role, so thanks for everything; I remember all the freefrom discussions, which do not seem to happen quite as much now because one moderator stops them in their tracks:threads will end naturally rather than need to be closed, I believe; and there was also a sarcastic comment by the same moderator as to the length of one of my posts on the previous Siegfried Wagner thread, which also upset me(as well as that which  I have detailed in the rachmaninovian works thread) . I should be very grateful if u didnt email me(I have not got my password anymore so  cannot delete my email from my account details)Anyway, good luck.:)
Steve Benson("Steve B")


Well, you can't please all the people all the time!

Over-moderated? Not at all!  ;D

I have been on many forums over the years, and this is by far the best run, best organized and most genuinely interactive. For example, I don't know how more democratic Alan and Mark can be than to share their genuine concerns, admit that they now find it more of a chore than a pleasure, throw open the debate as to the future of the forum, and welcome all comments. That's generous and courageous. It's also clear that when posts overstep the mark, Alan and Mark have every right to exercise their red and blue pencils! 

Given that Mark and Alan do this out of their love of music, and take on a huge amount of work as a result, they certainly have my unreserved support and thanks.  ;)

Mark Thomas

I'm sorry to see you go, Steve, but often these things have a natural life. Thanks for your contributions in the past which have been much valued. I've deleted your profile as you asked...

Thanks very much Semloh for your kind words of support, for which we're both most grateful.

Alan Howe

May I echo Marks words?
Thanks too to semloh for your support as we attempt to do what is right for the forum. It's a daily high-wire act that doesn't always please everyone...


I am amazed that anyone could in any way be displeased with this forum. It's bestowed on me a plethora of beautiful and hard to find music that I otherwise would never have had a chance to hear. I have no problem with the moderators who are virtually invisible. Amazing!


I'm sorry to see Steve go too, especially as new management will be taking over soon.  Whatever his objections he could at least have given the new administrator and moderator a clean slate.  I think his withdrawal was a rather rash move.


Yes, personally I have had nothing but pleasure and freedom on here, though of course I know nothing of that particular member's experiences beyond what he said. I have always found the moderation, well, moderate!