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"Onbekend is Onbemind"

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 14 October 2014, 13:51

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Concertzender has, since late September or so, been running a segment whose title I think translates (roughly and into idiom) as Is Out of Sight Out of Mind, with music by interesting unsungs. For the first such segment, with music by Sigtenhorst Meyer and Dirk Schäfer (click the "speaker" icon to hear the archived sound, I think), go to (The first program is excerpted from this CD released in 1995. Later programs in the Onbekend is Onbemind series include this program of works by Lekeu being broadcast today and this program of works by Lekeu and Dupuis also, if I understand, being broadcast today... the 2nd program in the series (those were programs 3 and 4) is also devoted to Belgian composers, including Frank van der Stucken (Belgian-American), Michel Brusselmans, and others - schedule link. Hope this interests. Wishing Concertzender prosperity and &c - they deserve it :) )


And these programs will be available on demand for a long time, second all Kudos to Concertzender!!!!!!!!!


Dear Erick, thank You for share with us this interesting link!


This night on the Concertzender, from 1:00 - 7:00 (Dutch time) a plethora of unsung Dutch music from 1900 until now (not everything within this forum remit of course, but certainly worth hearing I think!):