New cpo recordings

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 29 May 2009, 17:16

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Alan Howe

I hear from cpo that the following have definitely been recorded:

- The opera 'Das Kätchen von Heilbronn' (1881) by Carl Reinthaler (1822-96).

- The Symphony in E flat and Piano Concerto in E flat (both from around 1882) by Anton Urspruch (1850-1907) - currently 'being produced', i.e. in preparation.

Mark Thomas

The Reinthaler opera was broadcast recently on German radio, having been produced in Erfurt this year. It's a moderately effective piece, conservative in form and orchestration for its date, which is catchily melodious in places. It should appeal to anyone who likes Bruch or Raff.


I'm looking forward to the release of the Urspruch disc. Could be quite interesting. View at Who has ever heard anything of this unknown composer?

Gareth Vaughan

I have, Peter. I bought the MDG disk of his songs (advertised on the website you mention) when it was released, about 6 or 7 years ago I think. I read the score of the Piano Cincerto at the British Library and Hyperion were thinking of recording it, coupled with the Bronsart PC, but it looks as if CPO will beat them to it. The symphony contains some attractive music and is beautifully (if conservatively) scored), but it is a little too long for its material. There is a very good Piano Trio and some other chamber pieces, but the concerto and symphony are his major orchestral works.

Alan Howe

I was prompted to listen again to Urspruch's Symphony in E flat today (a recording of the radio broadcast which cpo will be issuing). At 50 minutes it is long - but I have to say that I was transported often by the memorability of its themes (they've been going round in my mind all day) and the many utterly magical moments scattered throughout. The first movement in particular is semi-Dvorakian in its open-air feel (think Symphony 6) and the whole thing is beautifully orchestrated, as befits a pupil of Raff. I realise that I am a sucker for this period, but I'm sure I won't be the only one...


Hmmm...another sucker thinks this sounds enticing.  cpo never ceases to deliver the (unsung) goods!

Webpage re Herr Urspruch: