For those who haven't heard these recordings (Rufinatscha and Ries)

Started by eschiss1, Wednesday 29 July 2015, 21:11

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Tonight (as part of a very frequent series of nth symphonies and other themed evenings this station does) the Austrian classical (& streaming) station Radio Klassik

(once Radio Stephansdom btw)
is playing in sequence the Chandos recording of Rufinatscha's 6th symphony, and the cpo recording of Ries' 6th (starting at midnight CET 7-30 // 6pm EDT 7-29 // 11pm/2300 in England, I think- etc.?) .

(Followed by the Tchaikovsky, and somewhat later by Weingartner's 6th - at 2:27 am CET - also of course the cpo recording, not the broadcast tape from who-knows-when :) ...)
Evening schedule here.

Also note the Rufinatscha piano pieces early in the morning here (Tiroler Landesmuseum label). (Not a station I'd accuse of sticking to the standards, unless by standards one means Raff's Italian Suite, etc.)