Teresa Carreño (1853-1917)

Started by Wheesht, Thursday 14 April 2016, 13:03

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Teresa Carreño was not a name known to me when I recently came across the sheet music of her waltz Mi Teresita. I found that she has been mentioned a few times here on UC  – of course :) –, but she did not have her own thread. I bought two CDs with her music, one a VOXBOX with her String Quartet in B minor and the other a Nimbus disc with Clara Rodriguez playing her piano music. I have listened to this latter disc several times and find I am much taken by the variety in rhythms and tempi in her colourful pieces (sometimes sounding a bit like Gottschalk – not surprising since she was his pupil at a some stage).

There is quite a lot of information about her available, in different languages, here and here and here and also this
Guide to the Teresa Carreño Papers