Help to read this writing please

Started by Reverie, Friday 11 February 2022, 11:23

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Thanks very much!

Kussen? Kisses?? Could this be anything else?

Alan Howe

Grammatically correct version:  Mit ausdrucksvollen Küssen = (literally) 'With expressive kisses'. A more idiomatic translation might be: 'With passionate kisses'.


I think the last word is probably Rhue  (calm?)

Mark Thomas

Ruhe = calmness or quietness, yes, and would make more sense.


I'm quite sure it's "Mit ausdrucksvoller Ruhe" as well. The small h is quite a bastard in this kind of writing, confusing me quite a bit some times! Also the last bit is a single "e" for sure.

Alan Howe

Could well be. I'm assuming this is a marking in a score.

Mark Thomas

OK, I'll be the cheeky one: so whose writing is it, Martin?



It's easy to chime in once others have done the hard work of deciphering, but yes, I agree that it is "Mit ausdrucksvoller Ruhe".

Alan Howe

Mark Thomas

Quote from: Reverie on Saturday 12 February 2022, 11:53
Aus der Jugendzeit (Rauchenecker)  :)
Thanks Martin, great stuff. Looking forward to it.