Im Abendrot – Lieder by Furtwängler, Beer-Walbrunn and Carnap

Started by Wheesht, Monday 01 August 2022, 10:21

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In addition to the recently released piano music CD with works by Beer-Walbrunn, there is also a new double CD with lieder by Beer-Walbrunn, Carnap and Furtwängler: "Im Abendrot" – with Angelika Huber, soprano and Mamikon Nakhapetov, piano.

Alan Howe

Sadly, from the audio samples the soprano isn't up to the job. For me it'd be a trial just to sit through her singing, but others may feel differently, of course.


Seriously - is she meant to sound childlike and slightly off-key, in all the pieces?

Alan Howe


Alan Howe

Thanks for posting about it, though. The repertoire is obviously of great interest.

Gareth Vaughan

Yes, it's such a pity these works did not receive better performances. A missed opportunity.