Molique Violin Concertos

Started by Mark Thomas, Wednesday 12 December 2012, 07:35

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Mark Thomas

jpc are advertising for release on New Year's Day a new CD from Accent with the Violin Concertos Nos.3 and 6 of Bernhard Molique (1802-1869). Anton Steck is the soloist, with L'Arpa festante conducted by Christoph Spering. Details, but no sound bites yet, here.

Alan Howe

Very nice too. It's gone on my list...

Gareth Vaughan

Oh joy! I like Molique's music very much.

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

The audio excerpts at jpc reveal some very lively and beautiful music; for my taste, however, the soloist produces too wiry a tone with very little vibrato, so it's clearly a HIP-influenced production. I've ordered it, but I think I'll be wishing for something a little more juicy in the way of performing style.

Gareth Vaughan

Quotefor my taste, however, the soloist produces too wiry a tone with very little vibrato,
That was my impression too, Alan. And I was rather disappointed, I must say. Like you, I will buy the CD and hope to be convinced.


MDT now lists this (as concertos 3 and 4, but the cover is reproduced which has 3 & 6.) Any idea by the way if (style aside) they'll be doing a series of his concertos? (I don't know that much of his music but have enjoyed what I've heard and seen in score, so far.  ) At least that might inspire others to take up the works too, if they play them well (but then, there are aspects of ... so-called?... period-performance-reproduction I enjoy- depending. The hedging, etc. in that last sentence deliberate, intentional... etc.!- moreso than sometimes with me.)

(Have definitely seen Christoph Spering's (any relation to Andreas?... -- never mind. brothers, acc. to Wikipedia...) name around a lot, and that ensemble's, too, I think. Can't recall if I've heard his conducting before, but I've seen CDs he's conducted- oh yes. Kalliwoda 5/7, on cpo ; Christoph Spering/Das Neue Orchester. The local public library has that disc, I've heard it (and like it, personally. Sym. 5 has been very lucky on recording!... anyway.)


Alan Howe

Frankly, this is a frustrating release. While in general enjoying the vigorous playing of the orchestra, the HIP-informed solo violin playing with its almost total lack of vibrato does little for the music. In fact, much of the time I felt rather queasy at the intonation problems which result from this style of playing. No, this is an opportunity missed, I think. Hyperion would have done it so much better...

Alas, Alan, you have (so to speak) murdered a potential purchase! I've come to enjoy Molique enormously on account of the string quartets (performed by the Mannheim Qt on CPO, and may there soon be further volumes to the present three!) and wanted to investigate his orchestral music. But I suspect I would not enjoy this one, so shall divert funds elsewhere.

Yes, I'm sure Hyperion would do it splendidly. Maybe one day.


Or if they are discouraged by the existence of the cpo, maybe some other label later on. Accent or Accord or somesuch. If that present situation continues, as hopefully!

Actually, Eric, the Vn Concertos are recorded on Accent (ACC24247) already - so we won't be looking to Accent for different versions. Hardly worth mentioning - but I know you are a stickler for accuracy (and how right to be so).

Hum, maybe this counts as the most insignificant contribution to the forum this year!

Alan Howe

The CD is worth having to hear the music - but listening to it is a bit like taking an ice-cold shower: beneficial, but hardly enjoyable.

Mark Thomas

I am so looking forward to getting my copy.  :-\


 I too am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my copy of the CD.  The sound bites on Jpc convinced me that this CD was, for me, a must buy.

Mark Thomas

I'm afraid that I was being sarcastic, Dennis!